Facts You Should Know About Jain Symbols

Facts You Should Know About Jain symbols

Facts You Should Know About Jain symbols

Swastika symbol 

Facts your should know the first Jain Symbols is
the word Swastika came from the Sanskrit word
Swastika,meaning any lucky or auspicious object,
and in particular a mark made on persons and things
to denote good luck.

It is composed of su- meaning“good, well”
and asti “to be” swasti thus means “well-being.”

The suffix -kaeither forms a diminutive or intensifies
 the verbal meaning, and swastika might thus
be translated literally as “that which is associated
with well-being,” corresponding to“lucky charm”
or “thing that is auspicious.

                          Swastika symbol.


Facts You Should Know About Second Jain symbols            

is the Jainism hand symbol with a wheel on the 

palm symbolizes Ahimsa in Jainism. The word 

in the  middle is "ahiṃsā" (non-injury). 

The wheel represents the dharmachakra, which

 stands for the resolve to halt  the saṃsāra through 

the relentless pursuit of Ahimsa.

 Live and Let Live is the main principal of Jainism.

Fact You Should Know about 

Jain Religion Symbols 

Fact of Arham Jain Symbol

                    Name Arham or (Arhammeans Other 
                Name of Arihant Parmatma (jain); 
                Rhe word is just like OM for Jain 
                community; The word is just like 
                OM for Jain community....
                Person born with name Arham 
                are with authority and power.


Fact You Should Know About Different 

Types of Jain Symbols

Jain Logo Flag

Facts You Should Know About Jain symbols
 is the Jainism flag has five different colors. 
The red color represents for Siddha, 
Yellow for Acharya, White for Arihanta, 
Green for Upadhyaya and Blue for Sadhu. 

There is a symbol of the dharmic 
swastik in the central strip. 

The three dots above the swastika represent the three
  •  jewels of Jainism: Samyak Darshan
  • (Right Faith), Samyak Jnan (Right
  •  Knowledge), and Samyak Charitra
  • (Right Conduct).

Fact You Should Know more about Jainism 


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